The film is now being released in limited theaters across the U.S. It is approximately eleven minutes in length. Please be on the lookout for it. The film’s synopsis, below, is written by the film’s author/director Jhene Erwin.
In 2007, with one healthy two-year-old child, my husband and I decided it was time to have another baby. Six weeks into my pregnancy, I miscarried. My second miscarriage, of twins, occurred at eleven weeks. What followed was a mourning process the intensity of which was deeply surprising. I began writing poetry to try to come to terms with the loss and reconnect to a world that held no evidence of what for me, was a seismic event. The poetry serves as the film’s narrative.
“For the too short time I was pregnant,
in my blood, I felt a gentle tuning,
a humming…
I held inside, the universe. But
within, a thorn had burrowed deep
and before long…
…a spirit fell from me until
there was silence.”