18 AugVirtual Candle Lighting for Julie & Billy Paige 8/18/21 @ 8 pm

Tomorrow night, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18th at 8 PM we invite you to LIGHT A CANDLE for one of our members, Julie O’Callaghan Paige and her family. On Sunday, Julie lost her husband Billy to pancreatic cancer. We’d like you to join us to send Julie, her four daughters, and their family our love and light. Lighting a candle together we remember Billy and send strength to Julie and their daughters as they journey through the next several days, weeks and months without him. Please POST A PHOTO of your lit candle with a message for Julie as a REPLY to this post, on Julie’s FaceBook page, or in a post on Rindy’s HOPE FaceBook page. Please feel free to share as well. We want Julie and the girls to feel the strength of the HOPE Group and hopefully feel comforted by our love and concern for them. ❤


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