12 AugMonthly Meeting Updates

Hello HOPE! Our apologies for not posting an update here on Rindy’s Hope website in quite a long time. As of this writing (August 2020), the pandemic continues to prevent us from holding in person meetings. We have adjusting though and are holding meetings virtually via Zoom. If you’d like to attend please contact us via email, DM on Facebook or text us if you have our number. We will send out the Zoom meeting details privately to protect all of us.

Our meetings occur every second Wednesday of each month at 7:30 pm.

You’ve probably noticed that we did not send out a Hope Group Newsletter this Spring 2020. We are in the process of contacting all of you to announce that we will only be publishing a yearly newsletter in December as it coincides with our memorial service. It was a very tough decision to publish once instead of twice a year. Hope you understand.

We are going to make more of an effort to post every month going forward here on the website. Please spread the word to our members so that they can send us their email addresses. Everyone will automatically be notified of new posts. Our membership is also active on Facebook under Rindy’s Hope. If you haven’t followed us, please do so you do not miss any news.

We hope you are keeping healthy and safe during this pandemic. We will certainly let you know when meetings will resume in person. Please always know we remember you and your baby/babies and that we send you our best. Please let us know if you need more support.

If you’d like to be removed from new post notifications, please send us an email telling us so.

Stay well, Donna.

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