07 AugOctober 2nd Walk to Remember

In 1988, President Ronald Reagan named October National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month, as a way to remember the almost 1,000,000 babies who die each year due to pregnancy loss, stillbirth, and early infant death.

In recognition of National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month, we gather for a Walk to Remember and memorial service to celebrate the children who were with us briefly, but who touched our lives forever.

This year, the walk will be held at Breakheart Reservation in Saugus, MA on Sunday, October 2nd, 2011.  Please check the new website for online registration.  Registration forms may also be downloaded from the new website.

Registration is due September 16, 2011.  Click here to register and to learn more about the Walk to Remember.

06 AugA.C.D.K. HOPE Foundation

We are thrilled to announce our 1st annual A.C.D.K. Hope Foundation fundraiser!  It will be held on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21st, 2011 at 7pm.  The fundraiser will take place at the Billerica Lodge of Elks, 14 Webb Brook Road, Billerica, MA 01821.

Please share with your friends and we hope to see you all there for a great night of fun, food and fabulous raffles!  For more information regarding the fundraiser, please contact us via the comment form below or check out the foundation’s FACEBOOK page.

Hope you can make it!

16 JulLancet Stillbirth Series

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has sponsored a series on Stillbirth.  This series addresses topics such as “Taking Action on Global Stillbirths”, “Addressing the Silent Sorrow”, and “The Daily Reality of Loss”.   At times when we feel all alone in our grief, it is comforting and even healing to read that others know and understand what we feel.  This series is very enlightening!

Click here to read about these topics and more on the foundation website.

15 JulThe Kindness Project

The MISS Foundation‘s Dr. Cacciatore started the Kindness Project in 1996 as a way for families to cope with the tragedy of a child’s death. Since then, more than 1,000,000 kindnesses have been committed around the globe in memory of children, gone too soon.

Would you like to join this movement and commit an act of kindness of memory of your child?  All you need to do is go to The MISS Foundation’s website and get FREE cards from July 20 – July 27, 2011.  You can purchase extra cards at that time too!

Click here to learn more…

14 JulStillbirths: The Invisible Public Health Problem

From the MISS Foundation website…

Some 2.6 million third trimester stillbirths worldwide occur every year, according to the first comprehensive set of stillbirth estimates, published within this special series prompted by the World Health Organization in the medical journal The Lancet.

Every day more than 7,300 babies are born dead. A death occurs just when parents expect to welcome a new life. “The death of a baby to stillbirth is devastating to families, and we haven’t done enough, historically, to understand its etiology,” says Joanne Cacciatore, PhD, Assistant Professor and researcher on the psychological effects of stillbirth at Arizona State University and President and Founder of the MISS Foundation, an international organization that cares for families facing infant and child death. Kathy Sandler, MSW, Executive Director for the MISS Foundation notes that “the MISS Foundation understands first-hand how traumatic the death of a baby is for families… we’ve been spearheading efforts to pass legislation on how stillbirths are recorded- and how these mothers are treated in the process- in the U.S. and have been successful in 27 states.”  Read more…

14 JulPhoto Charm Rings, Necklaces, and Bracelets

Last night during our HOPE meeting, a member shared a recent purchase of a photo charm ring from Etsy.com.  She had a designer place a photo of  the son she lost to still birth on the ring.  It was simply beautiful!  Although I don’t have the specific details yet of the exact designer of the ring, I do have a link you could follow to similar artists/designers of photo charm bracelets, necklaces, rings, etc.

Sometimes placing special photos, sayings, remembrances on jewelry helps us connect to our children on a daily basis simply by wearing the jewelry.

For more information, click here…

14 JulField of Cradles Art Exhibit and Promise Walk, July 24, 2011, Boston, MA

From the Preemclampsia Foundation’s website…

“It’s a poignant reminder to all that pass by, a grassy field of empty cradles, each representing a baby that has lost his or her life to preeclampsia. Inside each cradle lies a blanket with a poem on it written to and for that child. Gentle lullabies play in the background.

This is the scene that walkers at the first Boston Promise Walk for Preeclampsia will experience on July 24, 2011 at Castle Island Park. The exhibit is all the vision of writer, exhibit organizer and walk coordinator Susannah Pabot. With this traveling public exhibit, Susannah hopes to increase awareness of preeclampsia and its symptoms and raise money to support the Preeclampsia Foundation and their efforts.”  Read more…

For more information about the exhibit, you can go to www.fieldofcradles.org. To register or donate to the Boston Promise Walk culminating at the Field of Cradles exhibit, visit http://www.promisewalk.org/pfpw/fundevent.asp?nnaffundid=34.

09 JulSmall Bird Studios

From the Small Bird Studios blog author…

This little space is what I like to call a beautiful mess. The mess all began with my firstborn baby girl a little over two years ago.

Her name is Jenna Belle and she is my hero and my inspiration around here.

Before we had any babies {or were even *thinking* about any!} Pete always knew he wanted his first daughter to be named Jenna. When I fell pregnant with our first, I looked up the meaning of her name which I discovered to be “small bird”. It would turn out to be nothing short of perfect for our tiny baby girl and just another gentle reminder that God was in control.  

Jenna was born 11 weeks early, weighing in at 1 pound, 1 ounce. She fought for 13 beautiful days and touched more lives than I could even begin to tell you.

Read more…

09 JulLost for Words – A New Card Line

Lost for Words is a beautifully unique card line founded by artists and photographers Carly Marie Dudley (AUS) and Franchesca Cox (USA).

Lost for Words specializes in cards for pregnancy loss, infant loss and infertility.

To learn more about the designers go to CarlyMarie Project Heal and Small Bird Studios.

To view and purchase cards in the Lost for Words card line, click here.

13 JunMy Baby, My Son, My Angel

A poem written by HOPE member, Kristen Grein, in loving memory of her son Gordon on his sixth birthday.

Once upon a time in a land not to far away
a baby was concieved on a warm fall day.

That baby was growing inside of me
and it wasn’t that long before people could see,

my baby bump was really starting to show,
I didn’t realize how big my stomach could grow.

For nine months I carried that baby inside my womb,
I had no way of knowing he would be leaving so soon.

After 40 weeks of pregnancy bliss,
an absent heartbeat we couldn’t miss.

Even through prayers and all our good will,
my son would be born but would remain very still.

The heartache, the pain, the anger, the grief,
would last a lifetime but people thought it would be brief.

Once all the signs of my baby bump were gone,
everyone thought I should be able to move on.

People would say that god has a plan,
this was a theory that I could never understand.

Or the ones that would say “god only takes the best”
those were the ones that never layed their son to rest.

It has been six years and the pain is still very deep,
I dream of my angel every night when I sleep.

He is my son and into this world he was born,
and forever a piece of my heart will be torn.
