06 MarSpring New HOPE Newsletter deadline

The SPRING 2012 New HOPE Newsletter is now being assembled!  We are eagerly accepting submissions.  Submissions may be in the form of letters, poems, song lyrics, etc.

The deadline for submissions is April 6, 2012.

Submissions may be emailed to webmaster@rindyshope.org  Thanks!

06 MarWandering Purgatory – A New Book

Wandering Purgatory is a true story of heartbreak, hope, and healing.  From their website:

“….The next moment I found myself looking into the sweetest little face I had ever seen, the face of an angel.  Now I lay me down to sleep.  My mind began to run through the popular children’s prayer.  Were they sure…absolutely, positively sure?  I pray the Lord my soul to keep. He looked as if he might just be asleep, eyelids outlined with golden colored eyelashes resting peacefully on tiny cheeks. His tiny perfectly shaped little lips were dusty rose in color and were slightly parted as if waiting for a kiss.  If I should die before I wake.  He never got the chance to wake.”

And from the author Lori Spray-Esteve…”In 1986 my first child was stillborn at 40 weeks gestation. In those early days the heaviness of the grief I felt pressing in on me threatened to choke the very breath from my lungs.  I felt as if I was lost in the deepest pits of Hell. Only to learn that Hell had a new level of despair when a Priest informed us that our baby was doomed to “wander forever in purgatory” because he had not been baptized. This was just one of the many painful pitfalls that caused a delay in my healing process. Eventually this delay led to the loss of my marriage, prescription drug abuse and finally depression.

I have written my story in sincere hope that not another soul shall suffer the death of a baby as I have, alone, shattered, lost, scared and misunderstood. Walk with me as I finally find hope for healing, even after 20 years, in the most unexpected of ways.

I invite you to read my story now. It is my wish that you find comfort in the words and hope in the pages. I only ask that you be gentle in your judgement and abundant in your compassion.”

To learn more about this book and/or to purchase the book, click here.

06 MarJamison John…You Will Never Be Forgotten

Two years huh?  Two years.

First year not so much,

Maybe I was just too stuck in the clouds.

Two years though, that’s when the realization sunk in, or at least did for me today.

When you’re supposed to hear the pitter-patter of feet running from room to room.

Or to hear the angelic laughter coming from smiles and chubby cheeks giggling.

To see my baby girl being chased by her big brother in her roller chair on his 2nd birthday.

Or to do the same on her 1st birthday.

Two years though, huh?

What can I say?  It doesn’t get better as people say.

It honestly gets worst but easier to hide to the people who say that.

You see I found that…

There is no getting over it, but only learning how to console it, or control it.

And to surround yourself with people who can relate and support it.

I know he hears me, I know he feels me; I know he is with me.

Everyday as I walk and exist, he lives with me.

I will survive because of him, and so will my family.

But two years huh?  Wow!

I think the second year marker just helped us become stronger now.

This is the year we came out the clouds and chose to rejoice in his memories.

Five weeks here, two years gone.

My aching heart bleeds for my 1st  Born Prince

The child I lost.

His spirit lives on and builds strong bonds in our family tied of knots.

But this year,

As he turns two,

Jamison John

You will never be forgotten.


11 JanWriting…Expressing Our Grief

Kathy Curtis, author of the book, “Invisible Ink” writes lovingly about the loss of her mother.  The act of writing as a means to express our grief is such a creative way to heal.  It could be a wonderful way for us as parents to express our hurt and love for our children gone too soon.   From Kathy’s website…

“There are many aspects to grief. Some are shared by everyone. But many are unique to you and the relationship you’ve had with your loved one. Giving yourself the quiet time to understand your loss and express it to your loved one – even after their death – is like having them there to help you heal.”

Click here to learn more…


11 JanInvisible Ink

The article below is from Grief Digest Magazine and was written by Kathy Curtis, an artist, writer, and grief workshop facilitator.  Kathy writes about losing her mother but the action of writing to our loved ones regardless of age is powerful and healing.  Hope you find some comfort in reading this article called,  Invisible Ink.

From the moment our lives change after the death of someone we love deeply, we have to make a confusing transformation from living a life that made sense to a different life that doesn’t seem to make sense anymore. With courage and faith, we do our best to recreate our lives without that person.

We might try a variety of things to help us heal and rebuild our lives, such as therapy, grief-support groups, self-help books and online research. But a very simple thing that we all know how to do, write letters, can be another truly healing approach to our grief.

Throughout the ages, people have written letters when there’s something intimate they long to say. Letters speak from the writer to the reader in the language of the heart and soul. When we write to a loved one who is far away, we imagine how they will feel when they read our letters. The same thing happens when we write to our loved ones who have died. By imagining how they would feel reading our thoughts, we not only express our grief with more courage (for their sake), we also strengthen our spiritual connection with them.

To read more…

19 DecWithout Heart There is No Hope

Last week’s Annual HOPE Group Memorial Service was simply beautiful.  It was such a nice way to come together to remember our children and kickoff the holiday season.  Thank you to everyone who attended.

Rindy read a poem at the end of the service that was very touching.  It serves as a wonderful reminder for the holiday season.  It is called:

“Without Heart There is No Hope” 

Sometimes when life is hard and you think all is lost,

keep HOPE.

Love is the foundation of life.

Love your family, friends and most importantly yourself.

Love truly is the reason for living in this world,

but you need HOPE to bring it to life.

14 DecCan’t Make It?

Can’t make the Annual HOPE Group Memorial Service tonight?  No need to worry!  The program for the service is now posted on our site.  Navigate to the We Remember page and voila!  All memorial service programs since 2006 are now available on line.  Click on We Remember 2011 for tonight’s program.

We’ll miss you by the way!  Please think about coming to our next HOPE Group meeting in January.  Contact us for more information.

20 NovA HUGE Thank You!

A HUGE thank you goes out to three ladies of the HOPE Group for their tireless effort to help other families experiencing loss.  Christine Boudreau, Julie Richardson, and Jeana Catarino planned and hosted the first ever A.C.D.K. Hope Foundation fundraiser last month.  It was no surprise that it was such a huge success.

The ladies raised enough money to create and donate memory boxes for local hospitals. They also put together a fund for families with the unfortunate burden of paying for a funeral and not having the money to do it.  Christine, Julie, and Jeana also donated money to the HOPE Group to help offset newsletter costs as well as costs for the annual memorial service.  THANK YOU ladies!!  Your generous hearts and caring spirits have touched many lives.  Dakota, Chase, Kenley, and A.J. are so lucky to have you three as their mommas!

08 NovMemorial Service Program Deadline

Hello HOPE!  The submission deadline for the memorial service program is NOVEMBER 21, 2011.  Any poem, letter, or song lyrics that you’d like read at the memorial service needs to be included in the program.  Please send all submissions to Donna at webmaster@rindyshope.org by then.  Thanks.

See you all on December 14th for the annual memorial service!  It starts at the regular meeting time of 7:30 p.m.

30 OctA Mass of Healing and Remembrance

Sunday, November 13, 2011 at 3 p.m., a Mass of Healing and Remembrance will be offered at Saint Joseph the Worker Shrine, 27 Lee Street, Lowell, MA.

The mass will be said by Father Terrence O’Connell for all whose life has been touched through the loss of a child.  They will pray for those who lost a child by miscarriage, still birth, abortion, sudden infant death syndrome or the death of a child at a young age.

All are invited to this special time of prayer and healing.
