20 FebThe HOPE Card Campaign for Rindy

GetWEllSoonRindy Huebner, the HOPE Group founding member, has recently been in and out of the hospital and needs our support. Won’t you help us by joining the HOPE Card Campaign for Rindy?

Please send Rindy a get well card with a note describing how much the HOPE Group has meant to you. These cards will certainly cheer her up and give her strength to get better soon.

Please share this campaign with your family and friends and encourage them to write to Rindy as well. Tell them to explain how the HOPE Group has affected you and their life. Rindy and her family have given so much to the group and a card is the least we can do to share how much we care about her.

Please send the cards to Rindy Huebner, 5 Liberty Avenue, Burlington, MA, 01803.

Any questions, please email Donna.


15 FebEdgartown Lighthouse Ceremony

McDLighthouseStoneA Ceremony of Remembrance will be held on Saturday, September 21, 2013 at 1 pm at the Edgartown Lighthouse Children’s Memorial.  New stones will be placed in the late spring.  The ceremony will honor all of the children whose names are a part of the Memorial.


To have a new stone placed at the lighthouse, contact http://www.mvmuseum.org

A rain date for the ceremony is set for Saturday, September 28, also at 1 pm.  A decision will be made by 5 pm on Friday, September 20, and notice will be available by calling 508-627-4441.

15 FebCF Annual Conference

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The Compassionate Friends is coming to Boston.  They are holding their annual conference on July 5 – 7, 2013.  Visit their website for more information.  Navigate to http://www.compassionatefriends.org

HOPE members have attended in the past and have found such comfort.  Won’t you consider attending?


30 JanGrieve Out Loud Pen Pal Program

Grieve Out Loud Pen PalNeed someone to listen and understand what you are going through?  Give the Grieve Out Loud Pen Pal Program a try.  From their website:

“This is no time to be alone. Our Voices of Loss Pen-Pal Program is designed to link you and a fellow babyloss mother, father or grandparent together to talk openly about yourself, your pregnancy, delivery, your child and everything you are feeling. Voices of Loss has many wonderful team members who have all suffered pregnancy and infant loss. We understand and are here to help you find your voice after loss.

We also understand that publicly sharing the details surrounding your pregnancy or infant loss can be difficult. We extend our gentle hand to yours in hopes that our one-on-one exchanges with someone who truly understands your pain will help. Your stories stay confidential and none of your personal information will be shared. We want everyone to feel welcomed and safe with us.”

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11 JanSandy Hook Online Remembrance Book

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The Compassionate Friends has created an Online Remembrance Book where you can leave a message of love and caring for the families left behind and for the town that is facing the holidays with an overwhelming sadness.

The Newtown Remembrance Book of Love, once completed, will be presented in person to Newtown for the families and towns people to be warmed by the love of a caring world. To join what will be thousands in leaving your message, go to www.compassionatefriends.org and click on Remembrance Book and leave your message.



Click here to learn more



11 JanFinding Hope After Miscarriage – A NY Times Article


A NY Times Article Dated January 10, 2013

One year I was pregnant four times. I was 38 and newly married. I got pregnant the first time in January. A few weeks later, I miscarried.

For every season of that year, I have a photo of me holding a pregnancy test with two pink lines marking positive. By summer my smile is tentative.

Each pregnancy followed its own, idiosyncratic course. One ended gently, just days after a home test turned positive. Another hung on 10 weeks, the embryo’s heart stopping after we’d seen it pulsing during two previous ultrasounds. Another pregnancy my doctor tried to save by prescribing progesterone. That only caused the little bundle of cells to cling to me too tenaciously, long after it stopped growing.

Still, each new pregnancy brought renewed hope. So did the battery of tests that found nothing wrong, and the doctor who advised us to just keep trying.


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15 Nov2012 Memorial Service Planning in Full Swing

Hello HOPE!  The 2012 Memorial Service planning is in full swing.  We need your help.  If you would like to submit something to be read at the Memorial Service, please send it to us by Thanksgiving, November 22, 2012.  Send it to Donna, webmaster@rindyshope.org

If you would like to bring food for the service, please send us a note as well.  Finger foods and desserts always work best.

The service begins at 7:30 pm and will replace our regular December meeting.  The service will be on December 12, 2012.  Hope to see you then.

13 OctWon’t You Join Us?

for the ACDK HOPE Foundation fundraiser?  If you can’t make it, please consider donating.  Click on the picture below to go to their website.

02 OctA Hodge Podge of Information

Hello HOPE!  It’s been way too long and I apologize for not posting sooner.  You all know…life gets in the way.  So below are a few items we need to share…

The HOPE Group newsletter is being put together as we speak.  The DEADLINE for submissions is October 26, 2012.  Please send all submissions, letters to your children, Personal HOPE stories, etc. to Donna (the webmaster) as soon as possible.  The newsletter will go to print shortly after and will be mailed to our members just before Thanksgiving.

Soon after the newsletter printing we will be accepting submissions for our Annual HOPE Group Memorial Service.  The service will replace our regular monthly meeting in December.  Please mark your calendars for December 12, 2012, the night of the service.  So, please send your submissions for the program to Donna (the webmaster) by November 23, 2012.  Don’t forget!

The ACDK HOPE Foundation is busily preparing for their annual fundraiser.  The event will take place on Saturday night, October 13, 2012.  If any of our HOPE members would like to bring food for the event, donate raffle items, or help out, please contact the foundation members at theACDKhopefoundation@gmail.com

That’s all folks!  Please make sure to send in your submissions soon.  Please contact us with any questions/concerns.

08 JunJune 9th Medford/Malden Special Liturgy “We Remember”

The Medford/Malden Collaborative, the parishes of Immaculate Conception and Sacred Hearts in Malden, and St. Francis of Assisi and St. Joseph in Medford, invite you to a special liturgy entitled, “We Remember”.
We will be celebrating this Liturgy of Remembrance on Saturday, June 9th, 2012, at 11am, at Sacred Hearts Parish, on 297 Main Street, in Malden.This liturgy is especially for anyone who has experienced the loss of a child through miscarriage, stillbirth or abortion, or in early childhood.  We also invite those who have lost a child or sibling at any age, and who may be in need of consolation.

If you should have any questions, or would like any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us, either by e-mail, or by calling 781-391-1457.
