18 NovHOPE Memorial Service – December 11th

Hello HOPE!  The group’s annual memorial service will be December 11th at 7:30 pm.  Please note our new meeting location at 200 Unicorn Park Drive in the first floor conference room.

If you would like to submit a poem, letter, and/or song lyric to the memorial service program, please do so by this Sunday, November 24th.  Please send all submissions to Donna at webmaster@rindyshope.org

Please also contact Donna with any questions and/or concerns.  Hope to see you all December 11th!

P.S.  The ACDK HOPE Foundation is having their annual fundraiser on November 23rd.  Please visit them on Facebook or their website.  It’s sure to be a fun night for all.

05 NovMark Huebner’s Anniversary

This coming Sunday, November 10th is Rindy and Dennis Huebner’s son, Mark’s anniversary. Soon after Mark was born still over 33 years ago, Rindy started the HOPE Group. Let’s remember Mark, Rindy and Dennis by sending a remembrance card and/or email. Both Rindy and Dennis sacrificed so much for the group. Let’s show them our appreciation and love for all that they have done.

You can send cards to Dennis Huebner, 5 Liberty Avenue, Burlington, MA 01803 or dhueb1028@aol.com

Thanks HOPE!

10 OctFilm Festival Watch! Return to Zero

Return2ZeroIt’s an exciting and nerve-wracking time here for all of us who poured our hearts and souls into RETURN TO ZERO. As most of you know we finished the film a few months ago and have been submitting to top-tier film festivals around the world.  The film stars Minnie Driver and addresses pregnancy loss.

The big early 2014 festivals we have entered are Sundance, Berlin, South by Southwest & TriBeCa. We have submitted to these world-class festivals and will be waiting impatiently to hear where we will be having our World Premiere!

Stay tuned to the RTZ Facebook page and Twitter for up-to-the-minute information.

How You Can Help!

We keep getting asked by the amazing people in our community how they can help the film.  There are 2 ways.

First, let’s keep the pledges coming! We have over 130,000 people who have pledged to see RETURN TO ZERO when it is released in theaters–and the more people who pledge, the more theaters we will be able to release the film in. The pledge links in multiple languages are HERE.

Second, marketing and promoting the film at festivals will not be cheap. It usually costs between $50,000 and $75,000 (or more!) to bring an independent film to a festival and make a big splash!

To that end, our credit offer is still available for $250 in which you can have your name or the name of a loved one in the final credits of the film. More information on that HERE.

You can also buy your RTZ T-shirts for $20 each (plus shipping)! The link to order yours is HERE.

Or you can simply donate a few dollars to the cause HERE on our website.

Every dollar will go directly toward deferring our festival costs and helping us to make RETURN TO ZERO’s World Premiere a silence-shattering event!

Return To Zero–the Book

We received over 600 submissions for the upcoming anthology “Three Minus One: Parents’ Stories of Love & Loss” from the RTZ community! Thank you to all of you for your heartfelt, passionate stories, poetry, artwork and photography.

We are going through every submission with care and will be announcing the 60 who will be included in the book in the coming weeks!

As we approach October 15th…

October 15th is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day here in the U.S. and I have had the honor of attending 2 incredible Remembrance Walks this year.

The first was the Colorado Walk to Remember in Littleton, Colorado on September 28th and the second was the OC Walk to Remember in Tustin, California on October 5th. In total, over 5,000 people came together to share their stories and memories, cry and laugh together all in the names of the babies we have lost.

To the organizers of these events–THANK YOU! You have brought such healing and hope to our community.

To those of you out there who have not attended one–GO! We have a thread on our Facebook page of Remembrance Walks around the U.S. and the world. Add yours or see if there is one in your community.

And if there isn’t one in your area–START ONE! This is another amazing way of how we are BREAKING THE SILENCE TOGETHER!

As always, thank you so much for your support of the film!

Sean Hanish

06 Oct3rd Annual A.C.D.K. Hope Foundation Fundraiser


Mark your calendars for the evening of Saturday, November 23rd, 2013 for the THIRD ANNUAL ACDK HOPE FOUNDATION FUNDRAISER!

All donations received will fund the placement of memory boxes to local hospitals in the Boston area which currently include Emerson Hospital, Winchester Hospital, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Mount Auburn Hospital and Lowell General Hospital…and this list is RAPIDLY expanding as the organization gains notoriety in the area.

For more information about A.C.D.K., CLICK HERE.


04 OctA Fall Update

Hello HOPE!

Fall is upon us and it’s time for an update.  We hope each and every member of our group is finding time to enjoy the nice weather finding time to remember those we love.

The HOPE Group continues it’s monthly meetings.  Sadly our membership grows each month.  We are grateful that our members continue to attend our meetings to help those families in their early days/months of grief.  If you haven’t attended a meeting lately, you are always welcome back.  We meet every second Wednesday of the month at 7:30.  Meetings are held at our new location at 200 Unicorn Park Drive, 1st floor conference room, Woburn, MA.  Unicorn Park Drive is right off of Montvale Avenue close to Rte. 93.

The North Shore chapter of SHARE is holding their annual Walk to Remember this coming Sunday, October 6th.  Registration is from 1 to 2 with the service beginning soon afterward.  All families are welcome to attend.  Many HOPE members will be in attendance.  The walk will be at Breakheart Reservation in Saugus.  For more information, CLICK HERE.

Our Fall Newsletter is being assembled this month.  If you would like to submit a poem, letter, song lyric, etc., please send them to Donna at webmaster@rindyshope.org by October 24th.  We hope to have the newsletter in the mail by Thanksgiving.

The annual HOPE Group Memorial Service is scheduled for December 11th at 7:30 pm.  It is being held in our regular meeting location, 200 Unicorn Park Drive, Woburn MA in the 1st floor conference room.  The program submission deadline is November 22nd.  Please send your letters, poems, etc. to Donna at webmaster@rindyshope.org by the deadline to be included in the program.

That’s all the updates for now. Please contact me with any questions.



08 MayPlease Note! Meeting Location Address Correction

The new meeting location is 200 UNICORN PARK not Acorn Park in Woburn, MA.

Please note that there is a mistake in the newsletter AND in the previous post BUT the directions are correct!

Please check the directions before heading over to the new location.  The meeting tonight is still on as scheduled for 7:30 pm.  Any questions, please contact us.

08 May4th of July TCF Walk to Remember

CLICK HERE to register for the Compassionate Friends Annual Walk to Remember.  It will be held on the Sunday of July 4th weekend in Boston!!  Many HOPE members will be walking to remember their children.  We will also be walking to remember our dear Rindy.

The Compassionate Friends Walk to Remember® is a highlight of every TCF National Conference. It was created as a symbolic way to show the love we carry for the children we mourn. Held at 8 a.m. Sunday on the final day of the national conference it starts at the host hotel of the conference.  There is an air of anticipation and excitement as everyone gathers in preparation for the start of the Walk. Finally the Walk begins and, hand-in-hand everyone walks, meditating on a much different time in their lives. Since its inception in 2000, the Walk to Remember has taken on many distinctive facets. There is the main Walk to Remember where those attending the conference join with local bereaved families and others who fly in from across the country just for the Walk.  As many as 1400 have participated. Some go the full distance while others only walk a short way knowing that in participating, they are remembering. Special Walk to Remember T-shirts are given to all who register, as well as walk bibs where the names of the children being remembered can be written. To register for the Walk to Remember, you may use the online conference registration form. Or you can download the full registration brochure and mail in your form.

The Walk to Remember is also used as a major fundraiser to help support the work of The Compassionate Friends. Many participants seek pledges from relatives, friends, neighbors, and business acquaintances, turning in the dollars they have raised prior to the start of the event.

Please note: Registration is required to participate in TCF national Walks to Remember. Those under 9 are not required to register but still must have a waiver of liability signed for them by a participating parent or guardian.

08 MayHot Off the Presses!

Rindy's HOPE Newsletter


The Spring 2013 Newsletter is hot off the presses and on the way to your mailboxes!  Please let us know if you didn’t receive one and we’ll get one right out to you.

In the meantime, if you’d like to read the newsletter electronically in print, CLICK HERE.

08 MayNew Meeting Location for May and ALL Future Meetings!

NEW MEETING LOCATION!!!!  The May meeting and all future meetings will take place in a new meeting location:  200 Acorn Park Drive, First Floor Conference Room, Woburn, MA.

Directions from the North:  Take Rte. 93 S to Exit 36 for Montvale Avenue, Stoneham/Woburn.  Keep left and take the ramp towards Stoneham.  Turn left onto Montvale Avenue and then turn left again onto Maple Street (Mobil is on the corner).  Maple Street becomes Unicorn Park Drive, #200 is on the left.

Directions from the South:  Take Rte. 93 N to Exit 36 for Montvale Avenue, Stoneham/Woburn.  Turn right onto Montvale Avenue.  Take the 1st left onto Maple Street (Mobil is on the corner).  Maple Street becomes Unicorn Park Drive, #200 is on the left.  As always, the meetings begin at 7:30 pm on the second Wednesday of every month.




08 AprWednesday’s Meeting – April 10th

This Wednesday’s HOPE Group meeting will occur in the same location as it always has been:  Baldwin Park I, Alfred Street, Woburn, in the 1st floor Keating Conference Room.

Next month’s meeting will be in a different location:  200 Unicorn Park off of Rte. 93.  Take exit 36 for Montvale Avenue.  Specific directions will be posted closer to next month’s meeting.

Hope to see everyone this Wednesday!  Please let me know if you need anything in the meantime.

