19 AprHealing Hearts…Knowing What to Say

It’s hard to know what to say to a grieving parent. Our own fear of loss can render us immobile. And sometimes people feel like they have to think of the “perfect” thing to say. There is no “perfect” thing to say. There is nothing you can say to heal the grief of losing a child. But acknowledging and supporting grief is a way to help healing. Please know that the effort of talking about the baby, the loss, and the sadness will be appreciated, even if it’s not “perfect.”  Read more…

19 AprSue-Ella Signatures Jewelry

Miscarriage, still birth, infant loss. Words I wish more than anything did not exist. In partnership with my beautiful friend Carly from www.namesinthesand.net we would like to offer a collection of keepsake jewellery pieces and photos from Carly’s photographic gallery, which you may like to, wear or keepsake to remember your Baby Angel. Anyone who has visited any of Carly’s sites and especially Butterfly Beach will understand the significance of Hearts and Butterflies to some people. If you are one of these people we hope something on this page can help. Butterfly styles may differ from time to time to those pictured just as butterflies do in nature. At Sue-Ella Signatures we like to honour every life as individually as possible.  Click here to read more…

19 AprCarly Marie Project Heal

Carly Marie Dudley is an Australian photographer who lost her son, Christian way too soon.  She’s developed a website called Project Heal to help families experiencing pregnancy loss heal through her photography.  Click here or the picture below to learn more.

16 AprIt’s On It’s Way!

The newsletter is on it’s way to the publisher, R.W. Traynham in Billerica, MA.  Be on the lookout for your copy in the mail.  Hopefully it will arrive by Mother’s Day!

21 MarI’ll Always Be With You!

Always remember these famous words of Winnie the Pooh,

“If ever there is tomorrow when we are not together…there is something that you must remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we are apart….I’ll always be with you.”

16 MarHOPE for the Day

The “Hope for the Day” mailing list is a weekly note of encouragement to help in the daily walk with grief.  As a subscribed member to this list, you will receive uplifting “Hope for the Day” email every Monday.  In addition to these messages, subscribers will receive brief updates called “News from the SilentGrief.com community.

Click here to subscribe.

14 MarInternational Babylost Mother’s Day

The International Babylost Mother’s Day is on Sunday, May 1, 2011.  United in grief, we find love and support.  This international day is a way for everyone to celebrate the miracles of motherhood.  Please consider joining this beautiful remembrance.  HOPE, should we all get together and plan a lunch?  Let us know…

Click here to view the video in a separate window or if it fails to load.

12 MarPeekaboo – A Film About Stillbirth

Stillbirth is STILL a taboo subject within our society. Filmmaker Debbie Howard and Big Buddha Films are making a new film to highlight this tragedy and the silence that often surrounds babies that are “born asleep”.  This is an incredibly difficult time for parents, and there is little support and understanding to help them.  The new film called Peekaboo, is a high profile, short narrative film that looks at the issue of stillbirth and the psychological trauma that surrounds it.

Debbie Howard and the production company will be shooting the film in March of 2011.  They are looking to fund the project through donations.  If you are interested in supporting this film, please click the picture below to read more about the film.


11 MarMeeting Cancellations

Well, it seems that the snow is on it’s way out and SPRING is on it’s way in…YEAH!  Last night at HOPE we discussed how we would contact our members when the weather was bad and we had to cancel the meetings.  Some of you may remember that we’ve had to cancel in the past and others may remember the night we sat by candlelight because the power was out.

Anyway, it was decided to post here on Rindy’s HOPE  and on our FACEBOOK page when a meeting is canceled. We will post the cancellation by 6 PM on the night of the meeting. Hopefully we won’t have to do this but it’s good to be prepared.  So bookmark this page on your computer and cell phone.   Check it often when there is inclement weather!

Later friends…until next time.

11 MarThe Preeclampsia Foundation

Thousands of women and babies die or get very sick each year from a dangerous condition called preeclampsia, a life-threatening disorder that occurs only during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Preeclampsia and related disorders such as HELLP syndrome and eclampsia are most often characterized by a rapid rise in blood pressure that can lead to seizure, stroke, multiple organ failure and death of the mother and/or baby.

The Preeclampsia Foundation is an empowered community of patients and experts, with a diverse array of resources and support to help you have the best possible pregnancy or to help you navigate the questions you’ll have if you don’t. We provide unparalleled support and advocacy for the people whose lives have been or will be affected by the condition – mothers, babies, fathers and their families.  Read more…

