27 AprNational Infertility Awareness Week

Join the movement and BUST a myth about infertility!  National Infertility Awareness week is this week, April 24 to April 30, 2011.

One in eight women and men are diagnosed with infertility. RESOLVE and the infertility community are busting myths and telling truths about the most popular public myths and misconceptions about the disease of infertility and the different ways people build their families.

At RESOLVE, we are so excited that National Infertility Awareness Week has begun.  Click here to learn more…


26 AprThe Importance of Learning about Stillbirths

Dr. Ruth C. Fretts discusses the importance of learning more about stillbirths on the Boston Globe online.
Q. You write in your paper that one in every 200 births is a stillbirth — a fetus older than 20 weeks who does not survive delivery. That seems amazingly high.

A. People are surprised to find out it’s more common than death due to HIV [the virus that causes AIDS] and 10 times more common than SIDS [sudden infant death syndrome]. There’s this big black hole of grief, yet there hasn’t been a significant effort to try to address the problem, until now.

Q. Why is it important to raise awareness about the prevalence of stillbirth?

A. It empowers women if you know what are the signs and symptoms or what are the risk factors. Without having awareness, you’re not going to have the government or people who have resources allocate money to study the prevention of stillbirth.

Read more…

26 AprSee Me…Feel Me Organization

The See Me…Feel Me Organization is dedicated to Stillbirth Research and Education.

Being proactive during your pregnancy to ensure the well being of your baby is vital. Having your baby’s placenta and umbilical cord visualized during your 20 week routine fetal ultrasound begins the process. Your baby’s umbilical cord is actually visible on an ultrasound as early as 16 weeks! Begin keeping track of your baby’s patterns of movement at this time; start a journal. The next simple and safe step to make sure your baby will enjoy a healthy and safe delivery is to schedule an ultrasound around 28 weeks to again see your baby’s placenta and umbilical cord. This ultrasound will let you and your doctor, midwife or health care team know if your baby’s umbilical cord could pose a problem further along in your pregnancy requiring the need for more frequent monitoring.  Read more…

21 AprBenefit Planned for August 4, 2011

HOPE members, please mark your calendars for August 4, 2011. Some of our members are organizing a benefit fundraiser in memory of our babies. They are looking to raise money for the HOPE Group, the March of Dimes, and to assist families with burial costs. The fundraiser will be held at the Tewksbury Country Club. Contact us for more information.

21 AprWhen a Baby Dies

Thanks Mia for sharing this video. It really speaks to our members and conveys what they feel on a daily basis.

20 AprStillbirths: 1 in 200 Babies, More Work Needed

The Lancet, a distinguished British medical journal, is just out with a sweeping, heartbreaking series on stillbirth, a tragedy that strikes one in 200 births even here in the wealthy United States. For African-American women, it’s one in 87 births. In the developing world, it’s even worse. The papers in the series are free to download, and full of little-known facts about what one author calls “one of the last taboos.” They point out that progress in stemming stillbirths has largely stalled, and that many stillbirths are preventable, but it will take education, effort and more research.

Read more…click here.

20 AprThe Compassionate Friends 34th Annual Conference

We hope you’re as excited about this year’s 34th TCF National Conference and the 12th Walk to Remember as we are! We’re anticipating 1200 or more bereaved parents, siblings, grandparents, family members, and professionals at the conference July 15-17 in Minneapolis/St. Paul and we hope we’ll see you there. It’s now easy to register online or you can download a registration packet and submit it by mail.

If you’re not able to attend the conference, there will still be plenty of opportunities to participate in the event whether it will be by ordering a Star of Hope picture centered around a special child you’re remembering, by creating a memorial website and raising donations through the Walk to Remember Friends Asking Friends program, or by submitting a name of a child to be carried by volunteers in the Walk to Remember.

To register or learn more about the TCF’s 34th Annual Conference, click here.

20 AprThe House I Keep…A New Film

The film is now being released in limited theaters across the U.S.  It is approximately eleven minutes in length.  Please be on the lookout for it.  The film’s synopsis, below, is written by the film’s author/director Jhene Erwin.

In 2007, with one healthy two-year-old child, my husband and I decided it was time to have another baby. Six weeks into my pregnancy, I miscarried. My second miscarriage, of twins, occurred at eleven weeks. What followed was a mourning process the intensity of which was deeply surprising. I began writing poetry to try to come to terms with the loss and reconnect to a world that held no evidence of what for me, was a seismic event. The poetry serves as the film’s narrative.

“For the too short time I was pregnant,
in my blood, I felt a gentle tuning,
a humming…
I held inside, the universe. But
within, a thorn had burrowed deep
and before long…
…a spirit fell from me until
there was silence.”


19 AprPregnancy & Infant Loss Ribbons


Pregnancy & Infant Loss Ribbons available online.

Click here for more information…

19 AprMiscarriage: The Loneliest Grief of All

An article by Kate Evans from a London Online Newspaper

The doctor’s silence tells me everything I need to know. Eventually, he clears his throat, and says in a voice deliberately gentled, “I’m very sorry”. And so am I. There on the screen before us, I can make out the form of a tiny curled foetus and, where a few weeks earlier, its heart was thumping with life, it now lies still in the cavernous vacancy of my womb. This is no longer a baby. It is a miscarriage.

It surprises me how surprised I am. This is the sixth baby we will have lost; you would think that I would be used to it by now. But maybe it’s not surprising that I had to believe in this baby, as though by investing in it some hope, and some love, I could will it into being.

They have run all the tests. Like the majority of women with recurrent miscarriage, they have found nothing wrong with me. They don’t know why this is happening. Read more…

