WILMINGTON, NC (WECT) – Doctors used to tell parents to avoid bonding with their babies if they weren’t going to survive, but now there’s a different thought. A group called Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep says it’s helping parents remember their baby as they should– as a member of their family.
The Foster family spent months preparing their toddler son Matthew for the arrival of his little brother, Jacob.
“We were worried about bringing a new baby and him not having enough time after that happened,” said Brian Foster.
So Brian and Heather Foster spent most of their time getting Matthew to understand he had a brother coming. He was very excited.
The night before Heather was supposed to be induced; Matthew pulled up her shirt and said, “I’ll see you tomorrow, Jake.”
But, tomorrow was a day the family couldn’t wait to put in the past.
“There was no heartbeat,” said Heather. “And that was all there was to it.”
Jacob’s cord got wrapped around his neck. Heather was already in labor when doctors told her that there was no heartbeat.
“I can’t even explain what goes through you,” said Brian.
“Within 12 hours we went from expecting to go in and get a baby to arranging a funeral,” said Heather.
Brian said it was even more difficult because Jacob looked just like Matthew. “He was beautiful,” he said. “It was very tough.” Read more…