01 FebNames in the Sand

To Write Their Names In The Sand is a memorial site for children. It was founded by Carly Marie Dudley and her husband on August 19th 2008, nineteen months after their son, Christian was stillborn.

“On August 19th 2008, I dreamed of our son for the first time. He was playing on the beach with his friends that had also passed away. I walked up the beach to where he was but before I got to him, he ran away. I got to the point that they had been playing and it was then that I saw he had written his name in the sand.

This dream inspired me to visit the beach and write his name in the sand myself. I took my camera down to the shore at sunset and wrote his name. Since that day in the winter of 2008, I have written over 9700 children’s names in the sand.

It is a simple act that recognizes a life. It gives something beautiful to a family that may only have a few memories of their child – or even none at all.”

To visit the site, click here.

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